Quick video guide on how to register your survivor to ArkUnited.net website and gain access to starter kits and the store page.

Make sure to login with your discord account!

General Rules:

Tribe Names:
Tribe names cannot have Admin or Argus or any other ArkUnited staff team member in their name or any offensive words.
Survivor Names:
Survivor names cannot have Admin or Argus or any other ArkUnited staff team member in their name or any offensive words.
Blue Ob:
No PvP at Blue Ob, Blue Ob is a safe zone!
Green Ob:
PvP is allowed here.
Red Ob:
PvP is allowed here.
Insiding is ALLOWED! Be sure to set up tribe ranks before building anything for better security. This youtube link may help you.
NO OFFLINE BREEDING. Be sure to turn off mating mode on males when offline!
Making new accounts or survivors to bypass the store items that have time restrictions or attempting to abuse passive token gains will get you perma-ban, no appeals will be considered. You will be caught, do not attempt. If for some reason you HAVE to use a new game account (steam, psn, xbox, microsoft) or survivor for ark, please open a ticket on discord first!
Any lost items due to server lag, rollback, crash or glitch will not be respawned/replaced. We want to keep a clean server and dont want to risk spawning anything for anyone who wasnt honest.
No Duping!

Building Rules:

Infrastructure Limits:
2 Bases, 2 TP Bases, 3 Outposts per tribe per map
You CANNOT sink structure spam beneath map renders or walls.
You CAN CLIP structure spam into harvestable resource nodes. (rocks, trees, etc.) Idea is that structure spam must be able to take damage from enemy players.
Spam must be within range (roughly 1 long dino leash) of your base, fob, tp base, and/or turret structures. IF you are spamming around your bases, you will need towers to protect your spam. We dont want to see miles of spam outside of your bases and fobs, if towers are scattered within the spam its ok. Use a dino leash, set its range to long to measure.
The only APPROVED structures to use for structure spam are foundations, pillars, dino gates, behem gates.
Turret Placement:
If turrets are not placed onto a structure, they must be within 1 LONG DINO LEASH LENGTH from a FOB, TP BASE, BASE, or Turret Infrastructure/s. Placing random turrets all over the map is a HUGE no! You cannot place turrets to defend oil rigs or loot crate boxes or the likes.
Building in ratholes is allowed.
You cannot build on any obelisks, nor can you set up any sort of turret structures meant to kill anyone at obelisks.

Building Definitions:

Base Definition:
Any sort of infrastructure that doesn't fall into the FOB, TP BASE, OUTPOST, and TURRET STRUCTURE definition/categories.
FOB Definition:
Any sort of infrastructure infront of enemy structures will be considered a FOB (Forwards Operating Base) Spam is not considered as a FOB.
TP Base Definition:
An infrastructure that has teleporter/s, bed/s, vault/s, storage/s, generator/s, and turrets ONLY! Anything more will be considered a base
Outpost Definition:
An outpost is considered a "stash spot". Your outpost can only consist of foundations, beds, and storage. Anything more will be considered a base. You may use turrets powered by charged batteries only.
Turret Structure Definition:
An infrastructure with a collection of structures and turrets to form some sort of a tower or wall or the likes. This may include a FOB or TP Base Infrastructure as well. (which means you can also use those 2 infrastructure types to measure how far you can place spam)

Raiding Rules:

You cannot intentionally block a tribe from building at their base by placing spam/structures UNLESS youre raiding!
Read more spam rules under Building Rules.
General Raid Rules:
No Meshing of any sort! - this doesnt include dinos clipping through walls/mesh. For example, you put a C4 on a stegos tail and walk the stego tail in a wall, we dont consider it meshing. Another example, lets say you are mounted on a karkinos and you pick up a stego with c4 on it and you put the stego into the wall while still holding the stego, we also wont consider that meshing.
Teaming is allowed during PvP and raids only! - we do not want to see mega alliances being formed and wiping the server/s like you see in official server - just have fun please!
No Cannon Raiding!